exchange report: Language: English Native Language
Exchange: From Kelloseppäkoulu-Espoo( )
to Staatliche Feintechnikschule( )
Period: Autumn and spring 2010
Students: 4
Teachers: 2
- Autumn 2010 two students (one watchmaker and one micromecanic)
from Finnish School of Watchmaking were in Feintechnikschule Schwenningen-Villingen
- Autumn 2010 two students (one watchmaker and one micromecanic)
from Feintechnikschule Schwenningen-Villingen (FTSV) were in Finnish
School of Watchmaking
- Spring 2010 two teachers from Finnish School of Watchmaking
were in Solid works course in the Feintechnikschule Schwenningen-Villingen
In addition some of the Finish students did their practice
periods in Switzerland and in England